Providing all round care for your health needs.
Chronic Diseases
Diabetes, Hypertension, Arthritis
Genitourinary Cases
UTI, Sexually Transmitted Infections
Respiratory Illness
Infections, Asthma, COPD
Gynecology Cases
Infertility, PCOS, Infections, STI
Urological cases
Prostate enlargement, Hydrocele, Infections
Dermatological cases
Acne, Dermatitis, Infections
Parasites and Infections
Malaria, Worms, Scabies
Mental Health
Anxiety, Depression, Alcoholism
Screening and Testing
Health check, Fitness reports, Cancer screening
Acute Care
Minor urgencies, lacerations, post-abortal care
Abdominal Disease
Ulcer disease, Appendicitis, Typhoid
Health Promotion
Testing, Counselling"I recommend this clinic 100%, the welcome, the staff and the doctors are so caring. "
"Top tier! Attended to me immediately with a response. "
"The service was swift and I like that the Doctor took his time to fully explain the procedure and options available. "